This site was created and is maintained by James Atherton with the aim of fostering the adoption of equity crowdfunding in Canada.
James is a corporate finance lawyer developing and operating disruptive, client-centric solutions for the capital markets and is the principal of the Capiche Group, which includes Capiche Capital Technologies Corporation (Capiche Tech), Capiche Crowdfunding Inc. (Capiche CF), and Capiche Legal LLP (Capiche Legal).
Capiche Tech is a Vancouver-based developer of software to facilitate online capital raising and operator of capiche.io, which has brought the private placement process online for private-stage companies and companies listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and Canadian Securities Exchange. Capiche CF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capiche Tech.
Capiche Tech is now accepting investors - Click here to learn more.
Capiche CF is a Vancouver-based funding portal operating as an exempt funding portal at capiche.fund under National Instrument 45-110 Start-up Crowdfunding Registration and Prospectus Exemptions, which allows start-ups and other early-stage businesses to raise capital by way of equity crowdfunding. Capiche CF is powered by technology developed by Capiche Tech.
Capiche Legal is a boutique Vancouver securities law firm serving early-stage private companies and junior public companies whose services include stock exchange listings, prospectus and exempt market offerings, reverse take-overs, capital pool companies, qualifying transactions, and corporate governance. Capiche Legal is available to assist companies raising capital in the exempt market, including by way of equity crowdfunding, and those operating or seeking to operate a funding platform.
James is also currently a director with Marrelli Trust Company Limited, a provincially regulated trust company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia offering a full range of transfer agent services for both private and Canadian exchange-listed companies. He is also a director of Golden Sky Minerals Corp. and Thunderbird Minerals Corp, Vancouver, British Columbia-based TSX Venture Exchange-listed issuers. He is also a member of the British Columbia Securities Commission Corporate Stakeholder Forum, which advises the Commission’s Corporate Finance staff on policy initiatives, capital market trends, and other emerging issues affecting reporting and nonreporting issuers, including investment funds and keeps staff up-to-date on market participant views, current business practices, and emerging trends.